本課程旨在培養幼兒流利的英語溝通能力,並更深層次地加強他們的詞彙量。課程內容引入了大量同義詞及更高階的詞彙,遠超出香港一般幼稚園所教授的範疇。課堂全程以英語授課,並按照以下結構進行: 0-10分鐘:使用字卡學習英文詞彙 10-25分鐘:透過寫作和互動認字遊戲鞏固詞彙 25至50分鐘:進行閱讀訓練和工作紙練習 50-60分鐘:重溫當天的學習內容。 各級別課程特色如下: Walker (K1 2-3歲): 提供全英語的學習體驗,透過多元化的互動課程,培養幼兒對英語的好奇心和創造力。內容涵蓋基本短句溝通、世界百科常識(如水果、身體部位、玩具等)、簡易朗讀故事、大量英語詞彙學習、獨立自理能力、大小肌肉訓練、個人及社交能力、解難能力和情緒管理等。 Jogger (K2 4-5歲): 專為4至5歲的小朋友設計,旨在提升書寫技巧及加強英語詞彙認識,並增強組織句子的能力。課程涵蓋更廣泛的名詞、動詞及形容詞的學習,並透過互動遊戲提高英語會話信心,同時加強拼音認字能力(如常用字Sight Words),並進行短句寫作、大小楷書寫技巧、世界百科常識及詞彙學習。 Runner (K3 5-6歲): 為即將升讀小一的幼稚園生而設,教授小一必需的英文文法及句子組合,提升學童在聽、寫、讀、講四方面的英語能力。課程旨在幫助學生掌握基本語法,提升英文詞彙運用能力,同時加強自主學習能力,為升讀小學做好準備。 Sprinter (K4 5-6歲): 專為精英K3幼稚園生設計,教授小一至小二的英文文法、基本標點符號及句子組合,內容涵蓋閱讀理解及寫作等課題,並根據九龍塘名校課程編寫。課程強調英語詞彙、文法及標點符號、句子及短文寫作、運用不同詞性組織句子,並培養學生的邏輯思維及獨立批判性思考。此級別課程需要老師先評估學生的英語程度。
Read N Read 拼音閱讀班
讓小朋友從此愛上閱讀 閱讀就是把「閱」和「讀」結合在一起。 學英文必定要養成看書習慣,同時學會讀書。 1. 朗誦技巧 2. 課外英語詞彙 3. 拼讀水平 4. 培養閱讀興趣 5. 學會純正英文發音 課堂結構: 0-10分鐘: 教授當日課堂的拼音重點 10-30分鐘: 透過遊戲及工作紙鞏固學習內容 30-45分鐘: 運用拼音技巧進行個人及小組朗讀 45-60分鐘: 透過工作紙鞏固拼音技巧及理解故事能力 課程11大特點: 1. 純正英語教學,讓學生學習正確的英語發音,並涵蓋世界兒童名著的英文課外讀本,增廣見聞 2. MAC團隊獨創的圖像記憶法及英文拼寫技巧,很早期就會開始教導拼寫,著重拼音的實用性 3. 幫助學生有效地運用拼音在默書及讀寫上,以有趣幽默的模式上課,讓學生享受閱讀過程 4. 除了聆聽故事,每堂也會進行朗讀,幫助學生從小建立自信心,融入英語語境 5. 教授大量常用的英語詞彙,讓學生能在短期內掌握基本的閱讀和理解能力 6. 閱讀實用文章,內容涵蓋地理和科學等知識 7. 課程靈活,老師會根據學生的程度調整學習的速度和進度 8. 對於已有拼音基礎的學生,學習進度可加快,避免重複學習 9. 課程注重拼音的實際應用,讓學生在默書和閱讀中更好地運用所學 10. 採用幽默風趣的教學方式,使學生在愉快的氛圍中學習,提升閱讀興趣 11. 每堂課均涵蓋拼音技巧的實踐,並通過精選文章加強語言應用能力 Level 1 第一級別 能夠自行聽寫所有單元音(vowel)及單輔音(consonant) 學習透過拼音來拼出單字發音(CVC words,例如 Bob, rug) 辨識單字裡的各個發音,將其劃分為不同部分以協助拼寫 能夠利用圖片或提示認讀常用字 透過拼音學習同音但意思及拼寫不同的字詞 串字程度例子如: rat, leg, hop, bell, Jack, pick, sick 等 Level 2 第二級別 能夠自行閱讀由輔音+元音+輔音+輔音(CVCC)組成的4-5個字母的單字(hunt, fast, cart) 能夠透過提示,辨識較難的字音/母音混合(h+igh = high, b+ack = back) 能夠拼寫子音+母音+子音(CVC)的詞語 串字程度例如: snake, cake, late, wave, play, mail Level 3 第三級別 能夠在沒有提示的情況下辨認及朗讀 Level 1 和 Level 2 的所有詞語 能夠自行閱讀短句子 能夠拼寫子音+母音+子音+子音(CVCC)的詞語 串字程度例如: caught, thought, naughty, knight, right, stare, fridge, judge, magic, circle 等 Level 4 第四級別 完成拼音第一至三級別的學習 具備綜合性的拼寫技巧以準備小學默書 能夠自己朗讀常用詞彙及短篇故事 串字程度例子如: evening, computer, understanding, explosion, decision, mantle, handle 等 Level 5 第五級別: 能夠閱讀小一至小二程度 (150字) 的閱讀理解材料 學習閱讀理解的答題技巧,並能在考試中運用 串字程度例如: stadium, America, disappear, ordinary, whisker, determination, sparkling, eagerly
劍橋考試英語班 (Starters Movers Flyers)
Students from pre-nursery to K2 can enroll in the Pre-Starters course to prepare for the Starters level and achieve better results in their exams. Students from K2 to Primary 6 can enroll in the Starters, Movers, and Flyers levels. Furthermore, after completing the Flyers level, students can even enroll in advanced Cambridge English courses such as KET (Key English Test), PET (Preliminary English Test), and FCE (First Certificate in English).
We offer an exclusive curriculum tailored for Kindergarten to Primary Level students aiming to succeed in the Trinity College London Graded Examination in Spoken English (GESE). Guided by our Native English teachers, the course is meticulously crafted to engage students through diverse and dynamic teaching methodologies. These methods include interactive storytelling, creative role-playing, and systematic language drills, all of which are aimed at honing students’ speaking and listening skills. By employing visual aids, kinesthetic activities, and engaging games, we ensure that learning is enjoyable and resonates with the young minds. The continuous assessment, feedback, and personalized coaching further enable our students to achieve their full potential and excel in the GESE examination.
The Elite course classes follow the curricula set by Hong Kong's most prestigious schools with English as the sole medium of instruction. We teach Cambridge grammar along with UK and US-centric reading comprehension exercises and teach students to be aware of current global affairs, whilst instructing them in developing advanced writing techniques and cultivating an abundant English vocabulary. The course content covers a wide variety of subjects with in-depth themes, and the content of our teaching materials involves deep-level studying of a myriad of different, intriguing issues. Our bespoke teaching materials are specifically designed to develop proficient and high-achieving students.
In our small-class teaching approach, our teachers have a clear understanding of each student's progress and address their weaknesses through targeted training. They personalize their instruction based on individual needs, allowing for tailored teaching methods. We focus on strengthening the English foundation of students from Primary 1 to Primary 4, covering topics such as Past Tense, Future Tense, Prepositions, and more. Additionally, we provide early instruction on topics within the scope of Primary 5 and Primary 6, such as Present Perfect Tense, Relative Clause, Reported Speech, and Conditional Sentences. These topics are commonly assessed in English exams. Our extensive database of English question papers includes materials from various primary schools in Hong Kong, including renowned schools in Kowloon. This allows students to practice different question formats and diversify their skills. We teach students effective strategies for answering key questions, helping them score points efficiently and confidently in exams. Additionally, we thoroughly review and analyze mistakes made by students, identifying common errors and reasons for loss of marks. This process enables students to learn from their mistakes and reduces the chances of careless errors in exams.
In Hong Kong, exams often overlook the importance of nurturing students' creativity and independent thinking. Students' writing tends to be vague, lacking in vocabulary, and their sentences and paragraphs may lack coherence, resulting in a dislike for English writing. Through this creative writing course, students will have the opportunity to explore various types of writing topics, inspiring their interest in writing. This programme aims to improve students' writing fluency, enabling them to write with greater confidence. These writing classes typically include creative writing exercises that encourage students to express their thoughts and ideas. Additionally, students will learn about the structure of writing, sentence coherence, and vocabulary usage to enhance the quality and fluency of their writing. Through this training, students can develop greater creativity and independent thinking in their writing, ultimately boosting their confidence when it comes to writing.
The General English Class provides comprehensive instruction in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course is taught entirely in English utilising extensive content for reading, writing, grammar, and conversation. The real-life topics aim to expose students to a wide range of English expressions and extracurricular materials that are aligned with school curricula. Each lesson is taught with a different theme and aims to achieve the following: Emphasizing grammar and exposing students to various English tones. Providing engaging reading materials to enhance logical thinking and inferential comprehension abilities. Exam skill training to foster active and independent learning. Enhancing English speaking abilities and self-confidence. Integrating technology into education through our online platform to improve learning efficiency.
Our Hong Kong Primary 1 - Primary 4 Exam Preparation Course stands apart through a uniquely tailored approach to each student’s needs, focusing on a one-on-one teaching methodology that ensures personalized attention and optimal growth. Recognizing that every child’s learning journey is distinct, our dedicated teachers meticulously design an individualized curriculum aligned with each student’s exam syllabus. This includes a careful assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, from which customized lesson plans are crafted. The learning process is multifaceted; it begins with comprehensive teaching in comprehension, grammar, and writing, followed by practical exercises where students attempt questions under expert guidance. Mistakes are not merely corrected but thoroughly reviewed and explained, ensuring a deep understanding and mastery of the material. This personalized, hands-on approach, which extends beyond the core school materials, amplifies our effectiveness in helping students increase their scores in exams. It marks a departure from traditional tutoring centers, setting a new benchmark in quality education and a commitment to student success.
MAC students have successfully been admitted to multiple prestigious schools such as Diocesan Boys' School (DBS), Diocesan Girls' School (DGS), La Salle College, Pui Ching Middle School, Sacred Heart Canossian College, St. Paul's College, La Salle Primary School, Choi Kai Yau School, Ying Wa College, and many others. Special emphasis is placed on boosting students' personal confidence, reducing the chances of losing points due to nervousness during interviews. A wide range of interview questions is covered to train students in answering techniques. Situational and image-based comprehension questions are specially designed to help students cope with diverse interview topics. Interview etiquette is taught to establish a good impression. Mock interview sessions are conducted to enhance students' adaptability and provide them with practical experience in real-life scenarios.